70% of breached companies find out about the problem from the outside source
Mandiant presented it’s annual report
Kaspersky Internet Security for Android named «Product of the Year»
Independent researchers praised security software developed by Russian experts
Police in the suburbs of Chicago paid ransom to cyber extortionists
Law enforcement had to fork over $500 in order to regain access to their own computer
Almost a half of all cyberattacks exploit old, not new, vulnerabilities
Zero-day vulnerabilities are not the main problem of cyber security
Lenovo sold computers with the pre-installed adware
Owners of the Lenovo laptops may face serious trouble
Public sector increasingly frequently falls victim to DDoS attacks
Verisign summed up the results of a fight against DDoS attacks in the fourth quarter of last year
British banks entrusted Apple’s security
NatWest bank and Royal Bank of Scotland applications will log into their accounts using their fingerprint
President Obama expressed support for data encryption
The leader of the United States talked about protection of personal data and countries that are better prepared for the cyber warfare
Gaza now attacks Israel in the cyber space
Islamic hackers flex muscles
The new Windows OS will support biometric authentication
Will users of Windows 10 be able to forget about passwords?
Google liberalizes conditions of Project Zero
Developers’s lives got easier but Microsoft is still dissatisfied
Kaspersky Lab discovered the most dangerous cyber espionage group
Russian and Iran are among the main victims of a large-scale attack
Microsoft’s update has failed again
The latest update for PowerPoint blocks software’s start
British Queen has approved the law concerning «revenge porn»
Distribution of erotic pictures of your former boyfriend/girlfriend may turn into two years of jail for the English
Hackers «invest» in users’ personal data
The number of breaches rose 49 percent compared to last year
Dangerous vulnerability could have left Facebook without pictures
Researcher found an easy and effective way to delete any picture from social network
IBM has prepared for Valentine’s Day
More than 60$ of all dating apps contain dangerous vulnerabilities
Ten US states believe Anthem delayed in notifying about data breach
Connecticut Attorney General wrote a letter to the insurance company that suffered the attack and proposed to offer additional compensation to the clients
It took Microsoft a year to eliminate a dangerous vulnerability
Yesterday Microsoft released a security bulletin that contains a patch that was developed since January 2014
United States to establish new national agency to tackle cyberthreats
The latest hacker attacks and large-scale data leaks forced the Obama administration to take decisive actions
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