Hackers started a “rail war” in Sweden
DDoS attacks caused serious difficulties in the function of rail transport all over the country
Secret mining is becoming popular
Mining cryptocurrency at the expense of visitors of websites is becoming increasingly popular
Credit card data of Hyatt Hotels’ guests has been compromised
The attack affected 41 luxury hotels all over the world
North Korean hackers aim at the US energy companies
FireEye records an increase in activity of state-sponsored hackers from North Korea
Encryption with a hole
Email client Microsoft Outlook sent encrypted emails with an unencrypted copy of it attached
DDoS attacks are on decline
Verisign records a decrease in power and number of DDoS attacks
Middle East and North Africa: the peculiarities of national hacking
Researchers studied Internet black markets of Arabic countries
4 out of 5 leading defense companies in the US do not protect their websites with encryption
“You are better protected from man in the middle attacks when visiting Pornhub than Raytheon or Lockheed”
Data of NFL players was found accessible online
Data on 1133 American football players was accessible to anyone
Hackers reached the chief of staff of the White House
Personal phone of John Kelly seems to have been hacked
Data of 17.5 million Disqus users was compromised
The hack affected users that left comments on popular sites and blogs in 2007-2012
United States again accuses Kaspersky Lab of espionage
The Russian anti-virus company’s software was allegedly used to steal NSA secrets
Firefox to stop supporting XP and Vista next year
Users of obsolete Windows OS will soon be left without browsers
Two Russians accused of cybercrimes to be extradited to US
Spain and Greece are set to extradite the men behind the Kelihos botnet and the BTC-e exchange to the United States
Equifax breach puts an end to US social security numbers
The US authorities are going to replace social security numbers with a more modern and protected identification system
Dnsmasq vulnerabilities – a threat to over a million devices
Users should immediately update their software
Hackers of Yahoo stole data of all users with no exceptions
2013 breach affected 3 million accounts
The court allowed the FBI to keep a secret
It will remain a mystery who hacker iPhone 5C and how much they got paid
2.5 million Americans added to the list of victims of the Equifax hack
Mandiant is investigating the attack on the leading credit reporting agency
Patterns do not protect smartphones well enough
Pattern Lock is less reliable compared to 6-digit PIN codes
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