Anonymous hackers attacked anonymous users
Security of personal data of Tor network is at risk
Signal app will protect calls of iPhone users
Developers at Open Whisper Systems announced launch of a Signal app for devices running iOS
Antivirus developers turned out to be wheelbarrows without wheels
Joxean Koret, a researcher at Singapore company COSEINC, conducted a test of 17 antivirus products for security problems
Asian Android users are at the highest risk
Researchers named the least safe countries for Android-devices
Chinese hackers got under the Iron Dome
China is suspected for cyber espionage against Israel
70 percent of UK's Internet users are not using updated web browsers
German researchers have criticized the Brits for the lack of concern about cybersecurity
Passwords turned out to be IT managers' Achilles heel
New research revealed: almost a half of IT professionals change passwords to privileged accounts less often than once in a quarter
Hackers attacked European Central Bank
Cybercriminals stole data of the users of European Central Bank webpage
Sony wants to spend 15 million dollars to compensate users who suffered in a cyberattack
Electronic giant is ready to fork out for compensations, but will not plead guilty for the incident
«Nigerian letters»: evolution
Cyber scammers from Nigeria update their arsenal, but do not change their habits
Research company kept in secret a vulnerability of Internet Explorer for three years
Experts criticize making money on cybersecurity
Vice.com and The Wall Street Journal attacked
Russian hacker group W0rm reminded of itself again
Hackers have conducted «Operation Emmental»
Cybersecurity of Swiss banks have as many holes as the famous cheese
Another virus attack on Facebook
A link to an erotic video leads to downloading page of malware
Critroni hurries to fill in for Cryptolocker
A new dangerous ransomware discovered on the Internet
Microsoft researchers concluded - complicated passwords are not always good
Unexpected research of one of the leaders on Internet-market
Edward Snowden addressed participants of the hacker conference in New York
U.S. NSA leaker encouraged computer geeks of the world to unite against government surveillance
DDoS attacks reach new heights
The number and intensity of DDoS attacks set a record in the first half of 2014
Chinese hackers gained control of Tesla
The possibility to remotely control several functions of the supercar was demonstrated during a cybersecurity conference in China
The UN's High Commissioner stoop up for Snowden
United Nations Organization condemns surveillance in cyberspace
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