«Syrian Electronic Army» was beaten at their own game
Official webpage of a hacker group “Syrian Electronic Army” that was responsible for attacks on many webpages and Twitter accounts of world’s leading media and largest technology companies, became a victim of a hacker attack itself
U.S. government officials ignore rules of cyber security
Mobile Work Exchange, organization that teaches U.S. government officials the principles of usage of mobile devices at work, has published results of the research dedicated to security issues
Adobe patches critical vulnerabilities
Adobe released updates to Flash, AIR, Reader and Acrobat on Tuesday for Windows and Macintosh, as well as for Linux (Flash)
NSA surveillance programs not very useful in stopping terrorists
Confide – application of disappearing messages
Confide presented a new product on the market of messengers: the eponymous program to exchange instant messages
Experts elaborate details of the cyber attack on Yahoo in Europe
It has been a week since Yahoo stopped cyber attack on its European users but the company hasn’t revealed any details of this large-scale attack yet
France imposed sanctions on Google
French regulator CNIL (Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés) issued a decision to fine Google for violation of users’ rights
Hacker stole script of the TV series «Downton Abbey»
A hacker, known as Guccifer, “reported” another big cyber crime
Data of hundreds of thousands of casino visitors' banking cards were stolen
We witness yet another scandal in the US involving theft of banking cards’ data. Following the Target retail chain buyers, this time hackers chose visitors of the casino belonging to the Affinity Gaming company as their victims
41% of companies plan to increase spending on cyber security in 2014
Tech Pro Research presented the results of the study on the prospects of cyber security in the upcoming year. 244 IT-professionals representing the variety of businesses and organizations worldwide took part in the survey
Israeli researchers report vulnerability of Samsung's smartphone Galaxy S4 and security platform Knox
One of the most popular smartphones (also as a gift for Christmas or New Year) – Galaxy S4 manufactured by a Korean company Samsung has vulnerabilities that can allow hackers to steal users’ confidential information
Information from bank cards stolen from retail chain Target appeared on the black market
As reported earlier, one of the biggest American retail chains Target fell victim to a large-scale hacker attack on payment terminals, as a result of which cyber criminals managed to compromise data of approximately 40 million bank cards
5 years of prison for a threat of a DDoS-attack
Criminal Court of Manchester sentenced to prison two Polish programmers who were found guilty of blackmail
Spain fined Google for violation of national laws on data protection
Spanish Data Protection authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos) fined Google for 1,24 million dollars
RSA denies dealing with U.S. National Security Agency
Last weekend Reuters agency, citing its own sources, published a sensational article
Shopping giant put 40 million customers in danger
Target Corporation – the second largest retail chain in the U.S. after Walmart, that has about two thousand large shopping centers, reported a major data breach
California might prohibit sale of smartphones without kill-switch technology
California can soon become the first U.S. state where the need of kill-switch technology of smartphones will be prescribed by law
Encryption key can be captured with a microphone
A prominent Israeli mathematician and cryptographer Adi Shamir together with his colleagues Daniel Genkin and Eran Tromer have published a sensational scientific work which demonstrated the possibility to capture encryption keys used by computers with just a mobile phone or directional microphone
Harvard student tried to avoid an exam using e-mail threats
20-year-old Harvard university student Eldo Kim is arrested for spreading false threats of terrorist attacks
Turkey complains about Russian hackers
Personal data of almost 54 million Turkish citizens could have been stolen by Russian hackers
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