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How not to become an involuntary bitcoin-«miner»
Constant growth of digital currency Bitcoin’s rate has made it cyber criminals’ subject of interest

More than a third of all web browsers have critical vulnerabilities
Qualys presented a report on the current state of web browsers, based on the study of how leading browsers are used by 1,4 million users in the world

«Virus» for lazy ones
American advertising agency TDA_Boulder created and actively advertises online a “computer virus” for the ones who want to work less

Hackers compromised data of a quarter of Iceland’s population
Last weekend the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service reported that networks had been hacked and data of Vodafone Iceland users had been compromised

The pace of IPv6 deployment in France has somewhat declined
AFNIC, registrar of the national domain of France .fr, introduced the latest monthly report, on the state of affairs in domain industry of the country

14 EU countries are against Google’s privacy policy changes
On November 11th of this year Google implemented new terms of service concerning privacy policy. In particular, now it is possible to use names and photos of Google+ users in advertising without their consent

«Voicemail from Skype» – a new type of fraud
Action Fraud, a division of British Police that deals with fraud, reports a new fledgling scam

Scammers have chosen LinkedIn
Cyber criminals that specialize in luring personal information from their victims under the pretext of employment assistance have focused their efforts on LinkedIn, social network for professionals

New portion of Snowden's revelations
More than 50 thousand computer networks all around the world are infected with malware, dedicated to steal information for U.S. National Security Agency

Organizations overestimate their defense against cyber attacks
The non-profit association for the IT-industry CompTIA conducted a study on the degree of protection of major companies against cyber attacks

A black stripe for Bitcoin
While the market value of a so-called digital currency Bitcoin steadily grows, cyber attacks and scams, aimed at Bitcoin's users and payment systems working with it, have dramatically increased

Twitter implements Perfect Forward Secrecy
Following other major Internet companies, microblogging service Twitter announced upgrading to a more secure standard dubbed Perfect Forward Secrecy

Cyber criminals have disguised a Trojan as an antivirus update
Symantec announces another trick of cyber criminals. This time to spread malware users receive emails that supposedly are from developers of antivirus programs that actually are installed on users’ computers

A service to monitor malicious activity in new gTLDs
Architelos announced the launch of NameSentry Lite service. NameSentry is designed to monitor cases of unfair use of domains: malware spreading, spam, phishing attacks, etc.

LG «Smart» TVs proved capable of spying on their owners
South Korean company LG admitted that some models of its “Smart” TVs store and transmit information about owners’ viewing preferences to the developers

Forgery of digital signatures and deception of their verification procedures – the main malware's development vector
McAfee Labs introduced its latest Threats Report on the spread of malware in the Third Quarter of this year

Police paid tribute to cyber extortionists
Just two days ago Bitdefender Labs warned about the distribution of a dangerous ransomeware CryptoLocker and urged people to be vigilant

Vinton Cerf: «Privacy May Be An Anomaly»
American mathematician Vinton (Vint) Cerf, one of the creators of the TCP/IP protocol, often called the “father of the Internet” by press, made a speech at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission workshop dedicated to the development of so-called “ The Internet of Things”

Drawing of new PlayStation 4 in Facebook is a scam
TrendMicro warns users about yet another cyber fraud. This time “the bait” is the chance to get a free new game console PlayStation 4, which the whole world is expecting impatiently

Google announced the early transition to 2048-bit encryption
Google announces that the transition to a more secure data transmission system is complete

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