Apple: «The most common account requests involve robberies and other crimes»
Apple has released a special document called “Report on Government Information Requests”
Microsoft warns about TIFF-danger
Microsoft has reported a vulnerability of its software
Spymania is gaining momentum
British media informs that additional security measures were taken by the U.K. Government in connection with the electronic espionage disclosures
Hackers got to Hollywood and NBA stars
CorporateCarOnline that provides limousines for rent and also produces software for such services has become a victim of a cyber criminal
Obamacare website is “seriously sick”
Another scandal broke out about healthcare.gov, the key element of the U.S. health care reform pursued by President Obama. The Obamacare website through which Americans in 36 states can comparison shop and purchase private insurance, launched on October 1 with major problems.
Internet counterattacks the NSA
A group of the largest American technology and Internet companies addressed a joint letter to the key members of The Legal Committee of the Senate of the U.S. Congress. A document signed by Google, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and AOL, may mark the beginning of a new stage of proceedings on alleged Internet surveillance by the NSA. Earlier on, major Internet businesses tended to call for greater transparency of intelligence programs; the new letter is calling for fundamental change.
Microsoft has warned Windows XP users once again
Microsoft presented its latest report devoted to the issues of security of their products and services
Secure e-mail services unite in a «rebel alliance»
Founders of two most famous secure e-mail services Ladar Levinson and Mike Janke announced joining forces
Ploutus «speaks» English now
As it was previously reported, in the beginning of October experts of Russian company Safensoft and American company Trustwave discovered a malware that was specifically designed to infect ATMs
E-commerce industry needs to prepare for seasonal attacks
Upcoming Christmas and New Year prompted RSA Security to organize a research dedicated to seasonality of cyber attacks
Madware – hybrid of malware and advertising
The newly coined word «madware» is becoming more and more used among cyber security specialists. It is a hybrid of two terms: advertising and malware
India has become the main victim of cybercrime in Asia
According to the research conducted by Symantec, India has come out on top in number of cyber crimes and the amount of damage caused by them among all countries of Asia-Pacific region
Firefox OS hacked by a 17-year old
17-year old Shantanu Gawde announced creation of malware to infect Firefox OS
Safari is now equipped with «sandbox»
Web-browser Safari in the new version of OS X Mavericks for the first time uses sandbox technology when operating Adobe's Flash Player
Apple users should beware of a new phishing attack
Updating the operating system OS X Mavericks, released by Apple this week, could be used by cyber criminals to organize another phishing attack
Internet users over 50 are in a risk zone
McAfee presented the results of its research of Internet users aged 50-75. Contrary to the popular belief it turns out that elderly people not only are active Internet users but also big fans of social networks
The U.S. Defense Department promises millions for software that can independently counter threats
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DAPRA) has announced the launch of the competition for software developers with a prize fond of several million dollars
Hackers provided a lesson in cyber security
Hacker group TeamBerserk announced that it had abducted Californian company Sebastian clients’ personal information
Google will protect democracy from DDoS-attacks
Google announced launching a new project called Project Shield
Facebook going down was not caused by security problems
Yesterday for several hours users of the largest social network worldwide were having serious troubles
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