
Techno News


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Personal details of Chinese hotels guests have been leaked online
Personal details of many thousands of largest PRC hotels guests appeared on several clandestine Chinese websites last weekend

Writers of “Homeland” almost hit the spot
U.S. authorities exposed as the ones violating principles of cyber security of ordinary citizens, as it turns out, are very concerned about their own cyber security

Indonesia became a champion in cyber threats
According to the quarterly survey of the State of Internet, conducted by the U.S. technology company Akamai, an amazing event has happened this year

ICANN announced establishing a center of DNS-security in India
Center of Excellence in Domain System Security will be established in India

Facebook risks, giving young users greater freedom
Social network Facebook announced the change in the privacy settings for user from 13 to 17 years old

Computer pirates can become sea ones
Automatic Identification System (AIS), the cornerstone of all navigation process of worldwide shipping, has a lot of vulnerabilities and any time can become a reason of most serious incidents

Nemim: the second coming
Malware known as Nemim actively attacks users of computers with Windows operating systems. Centers of epidemic are in the USA and Japan, however multiple cases of infection have been recorded in both Europe and India

Airlines website for the second time this month mistakes in favor of passengers
Website of American airlines United Airlines has a chance to become one of the most popular web-resources in the USA. The fact is that the site mistakes with surprising regularity in favor of the passengers selling them almost free air tickets

New threat to ATMs
Until recently skimmers, devices to save and transfer data from clients’ banking cards to cyber criminals, were considered the main threat to ATMs

Dexter turned up in South Africa
Banks of the Republic of South Africa state losses estimated in millions of dollars and expense of the citizens whose bankcards were compromised by cyber criminals is estimated in hundreds of thousands

Yahoo announced a complete switch of email service to SSL-encryption
From 8th of January of the upcoming year email service Yahoo will be entirely switched to SSL-encryption

Cyber criminals went long
A large international company Cision headquartered in Stockholm has become a victim of a fraud

Data of thousands of Americans was stolen from a forgotten office computer
Hackers stole personal information of a hundred and fifty thousand citizens of Monterey County in California

MasterCard has joined FIDO alliance
One of the world’s largest payment systems MasterCard announced its addition to the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) alliance

Hacker Paunch is arrested, but his cause lives on
Yesterday citing “Kaspersky Lab” expert Alexander Gostev media reported the arrest of a famous hacker known by the nickname Paunch, who was a creator and distributor of Blackhole set of exploits

«Want to know who visited you profile» - an old but still effective trick
Phishing attacks roll on like waves on Facebook users. Experts warn that another one is approaching

Pro-Palestinian hackers attacked web site of WhatsApp
Cyber criminals attacked web page of a popular service of free messages WhatsApp yesterday. Hacker group KDMS Team took responsibility for this attack

Cyber attacks cost increasingly more for the victims
Independent research center Ponemon Institute published results of the study on the financial losses that large companies and organizations of the USA have as a result of cyber attacks

Trojan Gameover – almost like Zeus, but even more unpleasant
Specialists of SecureWorks – division of information security of Dell – revealed the mechanism of distribution of banking Trojan Gameover

Global attack on Internet freedom
American non-governmental organization Freedom House presented results of the research on the global network’s state of freedoms

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