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360 million stolen credentials discovered on black market
In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday, Alex Holden, chief information security officer at Hold Security, said that over a period of three weeks his company identified 360 million stolen account credentials, including user names and passwords that were available for sale through online black market services

New scam promises ‘desktop version’ of WhatsApp
The popular WhatsApp mobile messaging app has received a further boost since Facebook announced its intention to purchase the service for $19 billion

Major Chinese Internet companies to extend the life of Windows XP
A group of major Chinese web companies will take care of China-based users of the Windows XP operating system after April 8, when Microsoft will officially stop supporting this operating system

MasterCard wants to allow card transactions only when the cardholder's mobile phone is in close proximity
MasterCard has partnered with mobile technology company Syniverse to develop an innovative way to protect credit card users against unauthorized transactions

Botnets open season on Bitcoin
Trustwave reports another instance of Pony botnet activity. The virus was first spotted in 2013, and in December 2013, McAfee experts reported that Pony was responsible for hacking accounts and stealing the passwords of 2 million Internet users

Hacker attacks the website of the International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants
The EC-Council website was hacked. More than anything, this  situation is reminiscent of the old adage about the shoemaker’s children without shoes

Harvard supercomputer used in digital currency mining
A business savvy student of the prestigious Harvard University was using the school’s Odyssey supercomputer, one of the world’s top computing systems, to mine Dogecoin, the student newspaper Harvard Crimson has reported

Users of Apple devices advised to urgently install system updates
Apple and Internet security experts have advised iOS 6 и 7 users to urgently install the mobile operating system’s most recent updates released last Friday (versions 6.1.6 and 7.0.6) to fix the vulnerability that allows hackers to intercept and modify SSL protected data

Practically all mobile apps caught out in “risky behaviors”
Applicaton and security analytics firm Appthority published what it calls its App Reputation Report

Robots to police FIFA World Cup in Brazil this summer
The Brazilian Government has signed a $7.2 million deal with the American company iRobot to buy 30 PackBot military-grade robots to be used to enhance security at World Cup venues and examine suspicious objects

Malware-infected Android apps spike in Google Play store
RiskIQ, an online security services company, has prepared a report showing expanded sales of malware-infected Android applications through the flagship Google Play store

South Korean credit card companies have three months to strengthen cyber security
The Financial Services Commission (FSC), a South Korean regulator, has introduced tough restrictions on the operation of major national credit card companies

Damage from cyberattack on Target stores exceeds $500 million
There is new information about the massive cyberattack against the Target retailer, one of the largest in the United States, which took place between November 27 and December 15 last year

New variant of banking malware concealed in JPG images
Jerome Segura, senior security researcher with Malwarebytes, and French security researcher Xylitol have established that a new variant of the Zeus banking trojan, dubbed ZeusVM, is concealed in JPG image files

Mobile dating apps threaten security
Hewlett-Packard conducted an amusing study shortly after Valentine’s Day

Syrian hackers break into, steal over 1 mln user passwords
A group of pro-government hackers, known as the Syrian Electronic Army, has carried out a new attack on a major media outlet, the Forbes magazine

Kickstarter crowdfunding website under hacker attack
Last weekend, Kickstarter project administrators announced that their website was attacked by cybercriminals who managed to steal personal data of several users

The future of passwords: Novel approaches
Two remarkable stories about computer password and identity verification technology came out of the Middle East this week

FBI is investigating hacking of the largest casino chain's website
Unknown hackers hijacked website of Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC), that manages the largest chain of casinos and hotels in the USA, China and Singapore

British hackers have raged
Several incidents involving British hackers occurred last week

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