Three quarters of emloyees in England and the United States don’t care about their work computers safety
Ipsos Mori Company, one of the Britain marketing leaders, hold polls with results showing that cybersecurity issues in large companies leave much to be desired
The New York Times was 50 dollars short when it came to protection from Syrian hackers
Details became known about the attack of hackers from «Syrian Electronic Army» on websites of The New York Times and Twitter. As previously reported cyber criminals for a short period of time managed to get control over the record of domain names of The New York Times and Twitter sites and make changes in their registration data in Whois
Hackers «have appropriated» domains of The New York Times and Twitter
With the growth of tension around Syria and within the country the activity of hacker group «Syrian Electronic Army» that supports the current leader Bashar al-Assad is growing
Schools have decided to monitor students in social networks
Administration of the Glendale Unified School District in Southern California, the U.S., has hired a contractor to monitor publications in social networks of all students in the district
The summit in Saint-Petersburg has spawn a splash of phishing attacks
The meeting of the leaders of the «Big Twenty» which will take place in Saint Petersburg on 5-6th of September is used actively by organizers of phishing attacks
Download manager turned out to be also a tool of DDoS-attacks
Experts of the company ESET informed about the danger of the program Orbit Downloader
Sentencing hacker who rated out the Anonymous is delayed again
Hector Monsegur, one of the leaders of the hacker group LulzSec in the past, is left without a sentence again. Sentencing is adjourned now for the second time. New date for announcement of the verdict is approximately 25th of October
Google keeps on fighting with cybersquatters
Google has filed yet another complaint to the National Arbitration Forum. This time the cause of the discontent was domain GoogleRegional.com registered in February of this year
Robbery under the guise of DDoS-attacks
At least three American banks have become victims of sophisticated cyber attacks over the past months - said Avivah Litan, vice president of Gartner research company and one of the leading experts in the field of cyber security of financial institutions
Users of Twitter in trouble again
Hacker known under the pseudonym “Mauritania attacker” stated that he was able to get access to absolutely any account of microblogging service Twitter. To confirm his words he put data from 15 thousand twitter-accounts on file-sharing service Zippyshare
“Peaceful” use of Trojan Zeus was found
RSA Company reported finding a fraudulent scheme to increase popularity in the Instagram service. For a very reasonable sum of money anyone on a hacker black market can get thousands of subscribers or «likes» on their publications
Spam in July: malware for Android now in email
By the end of July share of spam in email traffic is still over 70%: in comparison with the first summer month this parameter increased insignificantly– by only 0,1% – reaching a total of 71,2%
Malicious software turned into a constructor
A group of researches from Georgia Institute of Technology at the Usenix conference on security presented a new way to overcome malicious software that AppStore is famous for. Scientists decided to create an application which malicious code is divided in several parts on the principle of constructor
.com against .cam – a dangerous precedent
United TLD company lost in a contest to gain the right to register top-level domain .cam. Having considered the complain of the company VeriSign, that administers domain .com, jury of International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) recognized domains .com and .cam as confusingly similar
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