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Yahoo! mail users urgently need to change their passwords
Yahoo! Corporation addressed all users of its email service to urgently change their passwords. The reason is leakage of data that creates a threat of accounts been stolen

Touchlogging – a new type of cyber espionage
Neal Hindocha, a senior security consultant at Trustware, announced creation of a malware prototype that could be used for a new type of cyber espionage

Russian hacker pleaded guilty
24-year-old Russian hacker Aleksandr Panin that was accused of creation and distribution of a set of malware SpyEye, pleaded guilty

Blocking of torrent tracker The Pirate Bay was found ineffective
The Court of Justice in the Hague (Netherlands) has ruled that two large Dutch internet-providers XS4ALL and Ziggo can stop blocking torrent tracker The Pirate Bay

Virus synchronization
Symantec experts report a discovery of a new computer malware. It is noteworthy that it aims not only on PC, but also on Android mobile devices synchronized with the computer

Hackers gained access to Israeli Ministry of Defense computers
Seculert CTO Aviv Raff said that at least 15 computers of different Israeli government structures were infected with malware in January during a large-scale phishing attack

There is less spam
Kaspersky Lab released a report concerning the status of spam in 2013

Google has prepared 2,7 million for hackers
In March of this year in Canadian Vancouver as part of the security conference CanSecWest a fourth championship of computer hacking Pwnium will be held

Microsoft will store data outside the US
Microsoft announced the launch of an unprecedented program under which servers for storing information will be located outside the US

Two-thirds of Chinese DNS infrastructure was paralyzed by a hacker attack
Yesterday for several hours millions of Chinese users of the Internet were disconnected from the global network

Suspect arrested for compromising personal data of 20 million citizens of South Korea
IT-professional of Korea Credit Bureau was arrested in the Republic of Korea

More than 2 million dollars were stolen from credit cards on gas stations in the USA
Prosecutor’s Office of Manhattan District filed charges against 13 citizens involved in a large-scale fraud with identity theft, forgery of bankcards and money laundering

Botnet compromised data of 16 million German citizens
Federal German Office of Information Security (BSI) said that police and cyber security experts revealed a dangerous botnet

«League of Legends» didn't pass British censorship
British fans of a popular online-game “League of Legends” from Riot Games faced an unexpected problem

Hackers set their sights on miners and farmers
CISCO, one of the world’s leading telecommunications companies, presented an annual report dedicated to the problems of Internet security

Refrigerators are going to attack
Proofpoint reported “what may be the first proven Internet of Things (IoT)-based cyberattack involving conventional household "smart" appliances.”

Microsoft is able to remotely delete programs from users’ systems
Annual conference of hackers and security specialists Chaos Communication Congress, which took place in the end of last year in Germany, presented a surprise still not appreciated either by press, or by public

Chrome extensions become a source of threat
One of the main amenities of Google’s Chrome browser and operating system are updates – they are automatic, do not distract the user and do not take any time

A new point-of-sale malware appeared on the online black market
IntelCrawler experts reported discovery of sale offers for point-of-sale malware on hacker web forums

Vulnerability has been discovered in Starbucks mobile application
Researcher Daniel Wood reported vulnerability in the mobile application of world-famous coffee shops Starbucks for iOS-based devices

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