Google will mark “Repeat Offenders” of cyber security
Google has introduced a new classification for webpages that are on a time basis caught in malicious activities
Google demonstrates rise of https traffic
Google users spend almost three quarters of their time online on resources protected by encryption
Cyber criminals emptied 20 thousand accounts of Tesco Bank clients
Hackers attacked a bank that belongs to the largest British retail chain
Even light bulbs need protection against malware
Researchers uncovered a way to hack smart lamps
The dark web is not as terrible as people think
Nearly half of dark web sites feature no illegal content
DDoS attack takes down betting website on League of Champions match day
The UK’s major bookmaker could have lost £4.5. million per day due to the attacks
Cyber threat intelligence data too complex and voluminous to respond effectively
IT experts complain about the complexity and overload of threat intelligence data
Google slings another grenade at Microsoft
Google experts disclosed a Windows vulnerability before designers have patched it
Windows fans reluctant to upgrade their software
65 percent of all Windows devices continue to run Windows 7
Drug addiction programs may also help young hackers
Hacking may develop into an addiction in adolescents, according to a study
Hackers send out invitations to cybersecurity conference
Cybercriminals choose an original method to spread malware
More search engine results infected with malware
Over the past three years, the number of links to infected websites in search results has grown by six times
Windows under ‘atom bombing’
Researchers revealed an attack method that can affect all Microsoft operating systems
Hacker stole data of half a million Australian donors
Criminals got information that includes details on intimate life of victims
Internet of Things: there are hundreds of thousands hacked devices
Mirai botnet could be just the top of the iceberg
Chinese manufacturer recalls devices used in Mirai botnet
Xiongmai admits the responsibility; however, doesn't exonerate users from it
40% of small Russian companies suffer from ransomware attacks
Better to protect yourself today than pay the ransom tomorrow
Hacking Nexus 6P in less than 5 minutes
White hat hackers contest Mobile Pwn2Own takes place in Japan
Botnet Mirai – no politics
Experts refute the involvement of special services and governments in a large-scale DDoS attack on a big American DNS provider
Nine seconds to crack GSM encryption
Singaporean researchers demonstrated vulnerability of 2G networks
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