“Royal hacker” detained in the UK
A suspect in hacking iCloud account of the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger sister has been arrested
620 Gbps revenge
Website of the journalist Brian Krebs suffered a DDoS attack of record volume
Hack is cheaper than security
A sad argument in favor of large companies that don’t comply with cyber security norms
Malware samples study history
Researchers have discovered a new technique using which malicious software avoids detection
Cyber criminals master biometrics
Hackers actively prepare to the new generation of ATMs
Yahoo’s sad record
Unknown hackers stole personal data of half a billion Yahoo users
American cities against surveillance
Municipalities of large US cities want to control how police uses new surveillance technologies
It’s time for teachers to study cyber security
Education sector suffers from ransomware attacks three times more than healthcare sector
Researcher hacked iPhone 5c ten thousand times cheaper than the FBI hackers
Cambridge expert showed the possibility of a brute-force attack on NAND flash memory
Financial fraud in the UK: once every 15 seconds
In the first half of 2016 there were more than a million attempts of fraud using banking cards and online-banking in the UK
Overseer – travelers’ hunter
More apps distributing malware deleted from Google Play
Volkswagen will be involved in cyber security
German automaker established a joint venture to provide cyber security to cars
The UK is willing to introduce DNS filters to protect against cyber attacks
British providers will block web addresses associated with illegal cyber activities
The FBI urges ransomware victims to “come out of the shadow”
US Federal Bureau of Investigation is concerned about the extent of cyber extortion
DDoS attacks might be attempts to take down the Internet
Distinguished researcher believes that the power and the nature of modern DDoS attacks suggest an attempt to use it for “global blackout”
Keep your car keys…in the refrigerator
Finnish police have released a very extravagant recommendation on how to prevent hacker attacks
Data of 6.6 million users of ClixSense webpage got compromised
Fans of easy money became victims of bottom-feeders
Gamers ignore cyber security rules
More than a half of video games’ fans don’t use security software
Patch Tuesday in September: updates for all
Updates that eliminate software vulnerabilities were released simultaneously by Microsoft, Apple and Adobe
Doping scandals in cyber space
WADA accuses Russian hackers of hacking into its database
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